FC Blog

Read a selection of our daily news stories, case features and judgments.

13 Sep, 2024
News story: Confidentiality
On 6 August 2024, the Solicitors Regulation Authority issued an updated Warning Notice: Use of...
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06 Sep, 2024
News story: Corporate governance/Corporate reporting
On 12 August 2024, the FRC published Research Report: Reporting against the Wates Principles, its...
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30 Aug, 2024
News story: Collective matters
On 6 August 2024, the government confirmed that it will repeal theStrikes (Minimum Service Levels)...
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23 Aug, 2024
FC Case Feature: Articles of association/Leaver provision
InSyspal Capital Ltd v Truman [2024] EWHC 1561 (Ch), the High Court considered the correct...
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16 Aug, 2024
New FC content in Employment knowledge service
We are delighted to announce that, as part of our Employment knowledge service, we have published a...
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10 Aug, 2024
News story: Company law reform
On 11 July 2024, the Law Commission published Scoping Paper: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations...
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02 Aug, 2024
News Story: Discrimination/Harassment
On 9 July 2024, the EHRC published Consultation: Technical guidance on sexual harassment and...
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26 Jul, 2024
News story: King's speech
On 17 July 2024, the King delivered his speech at the State Opening of Parliament, setting out the...
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19 Jul, 2024
FC Case Feature: SPA/Warranties
In Drax Smart Generation Holdco Ltd v Scottish Power Retail Holdings Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 477, the...
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